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BULL DOZER BOUNCY CASTLE Dozer 1 Dozer 2 Dozer 3 Dozer 4 Dozer 5 Dozer 6 Dozer 7 Dozer 8


Important Note

Information regarding the transportation, installation and operation of these products, along with any relevant health and safety requirements, where applicable, will be explained to you when ordering and or collection/delivery.

If you have any further questions beyond that point, please feel free to call your local depot or simply click here and just ask

Product Description

This fun Multiplay XL bouncy castle with a heavy duty theme offers fun jumping, climbing and sliding options for kids. Its unique design with a climbing mountain and a slide makes it a real eye-catcher. The inside of the bouncy castle is completed with 3D objects for kids to climb over and crawl under. The bouncy castle has a roof, which means it can also be used when it is a rainy day. Parents can monitor the safety of their children because of the nets that are conveniently placed. With the Multiplay Heavy duty you deliver the experience kids will remember!

Easy to set up, so a quick start to the party

Easily set up the Multiplay with a heavy duty theme in no more than 10 minutes. For instance for a neighbourhood party, an event or birthday. The Multiplay XL comes in one part, which makes it easy to transport. The inflatable is supplied with a blower, anchoring materials, a transport bag and a clear manual conveniently included. It is everything you need in a complete package for a great experience.

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